Sunday, November 13, 2005

Lock down the DBs

Three things you simply have to do even if you protect, move or remove all the powerful and dangerous programs.

  1. Add at least one user. Use the dictionary program, then go to Admin/Security/Edit User List.
  2. Choose one user who can change security (Admin/Security/Security Administrators).
  3. Disallow blank userids. Go to (Admin/Security/Disallow Blank Userid Access...) - this will still allow entrance to the Procedure Editor to blanks, but will keep them from being able to compile any code which references the tables in the secured database.

Realize that doing all these things won't affect the functionality of a properly configured database client session providing all the application code is compiled. In other words, the "-p mf.p" of a QAD client script will keep the Progress DB security window from even appearing.


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